The Perfect Post: Blog Ideas To Ponder For Viral Traffic

That Perfect Post & Blog Ideas

blog ideas

Ah, the perfect blog post, the perfection of blog ideas! Every blogger dreams of writing it, and every information-seeker frantically searches for it! However, getting the two to converge on the same point in time is a little bit harder than you would imagine.

Consequently, I searched “the perfect post” on Google and the number one position for this keyword was a scratching post company for cats. Clearly, not what I was looking for.  There are many different blog ideas for review online, but what I am researching is how to write that perfect post…

What Constitutes A Perfect Blog Post & Blog Ideas?

There are many different variables that proceed to function as perfect. What may be the perfect post for some people, may not be for others. the same goes for blog ideas. I guess it’s kind of a, “one man’s trash, is the other man’s treasure” idea. With that said, in order to reach as many people as you can with your blog ideas, you need to learn what the masses are wanting to read!

If you are wanting to learn how to make money blogging, and turn your blog into a business, you need to treat it like one. Using the keyword tool will help you better understand what people are searching for online. Now, granted, if you have an internet marketing blog, don’t go searching for the word “ponies”. Make sure it is relevant to what your blog is and what you normally write about in your niche.

This is only the first step to the perfect blog post. Give the reader what they want, information!

Now, in my research of this post, I found a lot of different sites that show how to write a perfect blog post, and a lot of sites with blog ideas too. Some were very great tips from Darren Rowse: How To Write Great Content, which is a no-brainer. This guy always has great content. However, there were also a couple of sites that encouraged you to write a catchy title(giving no information on how to do so), build a list(What does this have to do with blog content, I don’t know!), & using what they called “link bait”.

This clearly shows you what not to do when you write that perfect post! There are just some sites you have to forget about. It takes some time to weed through the crap and find the gold online.

The second step would be to write your ideas down. It has never failed me before to carry around a small notebook. Having this could mean the difference of having a great idea and keeping a great idea!

What is a perfect post? Your idea may be different than mine, but I think that a perfect post would be a post that answers the questions in the readers mind, gives them great information so they can share it, and having that post go viral because of all of the social sharing that would be done on it.

The main point of this whole post is to find out what the people want, and get them to share it with others. Forget about keyword stuffing and over optimization for once.

Writing That Perfect Post

blog ideas

Now I can’t actually tell you what to write…I have already been down that road before with my own site. Looking for tips to show me what to write. You just aren’t going to find anything like that, but I can give you the tools to get you started!

At the bottom of this post, I will list everything in order. Right now, I just want to expound a little bit on them.

As I said before, use the Google keyword tool to find what they are searching for. This is probably the most important part of your research. When I do this, after a while, I find that when I actually search for these on Google myself, I see that Google has usually indexed my post on the first page. So doing this every time you write a post will eventually get your site where it needs to be…in front of potential visitors.

Shoot, let me just put them in a list right now so I don’t confuse myself and you while I’m writing this…let’s start over:

  1. Google Keyword Tool- See above
  2. Notebook- Always keep this to make sure you keep your great ideas stored somewhere.
  3. Formulate Your Blog Ideas- When doing this, make a list of the top 10 bloggers in your niche.  Visit their sites to get an idea of what kind of topics they are writing about.  Now, this goes without saying, you may not be able to write like these people, and you don’t need to be able to either!  One of my favorite writer’s, Ms Illeane, from Basic Blog Tips is probably my favorite writer, but I can’t write like her…I don’t want to write like her!  Keep your blog your own, but you can derive certain blog ideas from these people that have already paved the way for you.
  4. Communiaction- A lot of professional bloggers will tell you to take another list of bloggers in your niche, one on your level, and try to contact bloggers in your genre. I mention this in my Blog Promotion Ideas post. It gets a little hard to be in contact with professional bloggers, that’s why contacting bloggers who are professionally on your level is easier to stay in contact with. Of course, I try to talk to everyone that contacts me with questions at
  5. Make Your Title Catchy To The Eye- Most of the time, you will only have one chance to get a potential visitor to come to your site.  Creating a perfect title is almost as important as creating a perfect blog post.  Perhaps you will share this on social media sites, often times, the title is the only thing that people see before they browse to the next URL.  Make sure that your title’s will catch their eye!  Make them WANT to come to your site!
  6. Strong Content- Even though this is number 6 on the list, it is the most important step.  You want to be able to provide different blog ideas, information, or something helpful to the reader.  All the while, you must keep them interested.  There is an interesting post on Copyblogger called How To Tell Stories That Your Audience Wants To Hear. This article basically tells us that a person has about 90 seconds to capture that reader’s attention. Creating a blog post that can provide information, plus keep the reader entertained while reading it, is the perfect message.  Your content is your story, so tell a good one!  I know that this still doesn’t tell you what to write, but I have found that a blog post that flows the best to the reader is one that contains the pertinent information, gives a smile or two, and answers the question in the readers mind.
  7. Viral Sharing- This is one part of the blog ideas that I want to share with you that you absolutely have no control over.  You can’t force someone to click the social media share button…mine is at the bottom of your screen by the way, but you can provide different things that will make them want to share it!  (A)- Provide the content that they want to read.  As in the above-listed step, create a click by giving them information they want or need.  (B)- Ask them to share!  Hey, you never know until you ask!  Sometimes, if people are in a hurry, they don’t think about social media sharing.  Give it a try!  By the way, would you please share this post if you think it’s helpful?? (C)- Corbett Barr from ThinkTraffic has a post dealing with Viral Posts & Blog Ideas To Try

A Sub-Point I Just Thought Of…

-Get Noticed With SEO- Now as you already know, I’m a big stickler for getting onto people for over-optimizing their blog posts.  However, I do agree that in order to get recognized by the search engines, their are some things that are necessary to do.  Now you already know about the keywords, but I want to go a little further with it.

I use WordPress Yoast for my SEO.  Now after you get through checking the keyword tool for blog ideas to write about you need to make sure that your desired keyword is in your post title, description, and URL.  

The title is a given, and, if you’re not familiar with Yoast plugin, it appears under your blog post in your edit dashboard.  This is where you can put your keywords in your title and description.  Another very important thing to remember is that you need to make the keyword appear in the permalink URL as well.  Doing this can get your posts noticed in as little as a day or two on the search engines.  Depending on the competition level of your keyword, more than likely you can get it ranked on the first page without pointing any back links to it.

The End Result Of Your Blog Ideas & Posts

It’s no surprise that all the great blog ideas out there start with the formula of having great content.  This is the anchor that you should rely on every time you write a post.  You can’t read minds, but you can try to answer questions of the masses.  The social sharing is out of your hands.  Stay focused on the content and pretty soon your blog will fall in front of the eyes of someone that really needs that particular information.  Keep your blog ideas fresh and creative, your posts informative and helpful, and you are on the right road to the perfect blog post!

For more ideas on how to get your blog noticed, upgrade your blog to be seen every time you post!  Belong to a part of greatness online and learn to make money!

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